Addinsight Partner Program

Partner with Australia's leading source of transport-related data

Addinsight’s feature-rich suite of applications collect and analyse critical movement data, providing continuous reporting of changes across the transport network as they happen.

Demand for data and transport-related insights continues to grow, and as a leading software provider,  Addinsight will continue to develop in order to meet this demand.

We remain committed to delivering innovative solutions to the market, supporting road authorities and local councils with the data they need for effective planning and budgeting.  

The ongoing relationship with our vendors is essential to maintain our standing as a leading source of transport-related data, which is why we created the Addinsight Partner program.

Becoming an

Addinsight Partner

Becoming an Addinsight Partner means you benefit from a win-win relationship.

We know that hardware vendors want reliable support, and to be kept up to date on plans for future developments within Addinsight.

The Addinsight Partner program is a formal agreement that sets clear goals and requirements for both Addinsight and partnering vendors to achieve mutual growth and success.

Members are provided with access to our device sandbox. This will allow you to view release documentation and test hardware against the latest protocol version.

Membership is
completely free

Technical guidance and support
for integration

Access made available
to device sandbox

Mutual growth
and success
Why should you become an

Addinsight Partner?

 Addinsight partners benefit from exposure to our extensive customer network across Australia and New Zealand, where there are already thousands of connected devices.

Our goal is to grow together, and we are excited to work with you to deliver new products and improved offerings to the transport and smart cities space.  

Addinsight partners

Our Partners

Ready to become a Partner?

Get in touch to access our partner information pack.